What’s coming up in 2020?

Greetings, everyone! Happy 2020!!

If you missed our January 13, 2020, meeting, you missed a great day of team-building and sharing great ideas. It was a very interactive day! Who knew if you were shipwrecked the most important tool to have was a mirror?? Ask someone who was there to explain that! šŸ™‚

There are some great things ahead for the APAGD. Beyond the regular meetings (the next one is March 9, 2020, by the way), the Board is already preparing for the next Vendor & Entertainer Showcase in July and securing great speakers for the November Seminar. What a great way to see your fellow Life Engagement friends, learn new things, and get CEUs while you’re at it! And dues are only $35.00 for the year. Such a deal!

If you have suggestions for speakers, would like to host a meeting at your facility (for about 40-50 people), provide table decor, or have any other questions, please be sure to email us at apagdboard@outlook.com.

Have a wonderful year and remember we are here to help you! You’ve found the website http://www.apagd.com (or you wouldn’t be reading this blog). Be sure to stay current with the Activity Professionals Association of Greater Dallas Facebook page, too. Job postings, entertainer opportunities, and current information can be found there each day. We update that information a lot! šŸ™‚ We hope to see you at one of our meetings or events.

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